Misconception about Residential Elevators?


There are a lot of complicated components at play inside of an elevator and that is why engineers are such experts in their field.

The internet is a great place to get information from in order to weigh up the pros and cons about a potential purchase, however it is important to fact-check what you find and always speak to a licenced expert. After all, a lot of the material can be incorrect or biased and may be used in order to fuel a particular ideology. Read on as the team here at Clans Machina go over some of the biggest misconceptions about residential elevators and set the record straight once and for all…

Are residential elevators expensive?

Many people will often see residential elevators as a luxury reserved for the rich, however it is now more affordable than ever to invest in accessibility inside your home. In fact, many homeowners choose to see them as an investment for the future because they provide such a high-level of value for their cost, allowing the elderly and wheelchair-bound the ability to navigate the different floors of their home with ease.

Do residential elevators have a short lifespan?

They may not be as big as a commercial lift but residential elevators are made using the exact same materials and the exact same process. Effectively, a home lift is just a smaller version of those you find in shopping centres and office buildings. As a result, they generally have an average lifespan of around 25 years as long as they are provided with routine maintenance which makes them a very cost-effective investment.

Do residential elevators replace the staircase?

Every homeowner has a say in how their residential elevator will be implemented into their home according to personal preference. Sometimes they will completely replace the staircases because it is no longer needed, such as if the homeowner is a wheelchair user, but most of the time a home lift is installed behind a regular door and used alongside the staircase.

When it comes to lift maintenance the team here at Clans Machina are the experts on your side. After all, both commercial and residential elevators must be regularly inspected in order to keep them in tip-top condition. To find out more information, get in contact with a member of the team today.

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